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MicroK8s Reference

The reference documentation is where you will find those things you need to look up once in a while,. Not sure of all the options to a MicroK8s command? Need to look up which port dqlite runs on (it’s 19001 by the way), then these are the pages for you. There is also a history of release notes so you can see which features were released with which version, who the most excellent contributors to MicroK8s are and catch up on any new things you missed out on.

Alternatively, our Tutorials section contains step-by-step tutorials to help understand what MicroK8s is and how to install it…

If you have a specific goal, but are already familiar with MicroK8s, take a look at our How-to guides. These are more step-by-step practical guides to achieve a specific goal, and whilst complete, assume you have a basic understanding of MicroK8s.

Finally, for a better understanding of how MicroK8s works and how it can be used and configured, our Explanation section helps expand your knowledge around MicroK8s topics.

Last updated 2 years ago. Help improve this document in the forum.