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How to use a local registry

Kubernetes manages containerised applications based on images. These images can be created locally, or more commonly are fetched from a remote image registry. The following documentation explains how to use MicroK8s with local images, or images fetched from public or private registries.

A familiarity with building, pushing and tagging container images will be helpful. These examples use Docker but you can use your preferred container tool chain.

To install Docker on Ubuntu 18.04:

sudo apt-get install docker.io

Add the user to the docker group:

sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}

Open a new shell for the user, with updated group membership:

su - ${USER}

The Dockerfile we will be using is:

FROM nginx

To build the image tagged with mynginx:local, navigate to the directory where Dockerfile is and run:

docker build . -t mynginx:local

This will generate a new local image tagged mynginx:local.

Working with locally built images without a registry

When an image is built it is cached on the Docker daemon used during the build. Having run the docker build . -t mynginx:local command, you can see the newly built image by running:

docker images

This will list the images currently known to Docker, for example:

REPOSITORY          TAG                 IMAGE ID            SIZE
mynginx             local               1fe3d8f47868        16.1MB

The image we created is known to Docker. However, Kubernetes is not aware of the newly built image. This is because your local Docker daemon is not part of the MicroK8s Kubernetes cluster. We can export the built image from the local Docker daemon and “inject” it into the MicroK8s image cache like this:

docker save mynginx > myimage.tar
microk8s ctr image import myimage.tar

Note that when we import the image to MicroK8s we do so under the k8s.io namespace (in versions on MicroK8s prior to 1.17 it was necessary to specify ‘-n k8s.io’ with these commands).

Now we can list the images present in MicroK8s:

microk8s ctr images ls

At this point we are ready to microk8s kubectl apply -f a deployment with this image:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
    app: nginx
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: mynginx:local
        imagePullPolicy: Never
        - containerPort: 80

Note: Make sure the imagePullPolicy is set to Ǹever as shown above, otherwise MicroK8s will continue to try and pull from Dockerhub, even if the image is present in the local registry.

We reference the image with image: mynginx:local. Kubernetes will behave as though there is an image in docker.io (the Dockerhub registry) for which it already has a cached copy. This process can be repeated any time changes are made to the image. Note that containerd will not cache images with the latest tag so make sure you avoid it.

Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago. Help improve this document in the forum.